The Booty Report

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Avast ye mateys! Fear not, for feasting on fish shan't raise any dangers, for it be rich in Omega-3s and AF!


Yarrr mateys! These scurvy researchers be sayin' that them high doses and risky populations be causin' trouble in their trials. But fear not, for their study be findin' no such worries when it comes to normal grub. Arrr!

Arr, me hearties! Gather 'round and listen well, for I have some strange tale to share with ye. In the arcane tongue of a 17th century pirate, I shall regale ye with news of a peculiar study that has come to light. Brace yerselves, for it be a tale of high doses and high-risk populations.
According to these learned researchers, there be signs of increased risk in certain trials. Aye, they claim that these concerns be linked to the hefty doses of some substances used in the trials, as well as the populations with high cardiovascular risks who partook in these endeavors.
But fear not, me hearties, for there be some encouraging news amidst these stormy waters. These same researchers found no such concerns when it came to normal dietary intake. Aye, that be the key, my friends! It seems that the dangers lie in the excessive amounts, not in the everyday fare we consume.
So, me fellow adventurers, let us not abandon hope. There be no need to fret and worry about our daily rum rations or the savory salted meats we enjoy on this ship. Nay, it be the doubloons of excessive consumption that we must be wary of. Moderation, me hearties, be the name of the game!
And so, as we sail through these treacherous seas, let us take heed of the lessons learned from this study. Be mindful of the dosages, me hearties, and be mindful of the risks that come with high-CV populations. But let us also revel in the knowledge that our normal dietary intake be safe and sound.
Now, me hearties, raise yer tankards high and toast to a life of moderate feasting and swashbuckling adventures! Arr!

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