The Booty Report

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Arrr mateys, Europe be touting three potions to fight the scurvy of cancer! Aye, splice the mainbrace!


Arrr matey, the European Medicines Agency be recommendin' Fruzaqla, Truqap, and Eribulin Baxter for treatin' certain colorectal and breast cancers. Ye best be listenin' to the wise words of these experts, lest ye end up walkin' the plank! Aye, Medscape Medical News be spreadin' the word.

Arrr mateys, listen up! The European Medicines Agency has given their seal of approval for three new weapons in the fight against the scurvy dogs known as colorectal and breast cancers. They be called Fruzaqla, Truqap, and Eribulin Baxter, and they be ready to shiver those cancerous timbers!
These potions be recommended for use in treating those vile diseases, and they be showing promise in helping to keelhaul the cancer cells. So all ye landlubbers with these cancers best be talking to your doctors about adding these new weapons to your arsenal.
So raise a tankard of grog to the European Medicines Agency for giving us these new tools to fight the good fight against cancer. And may the winds of fortune be at our backs as we sail forth into battle against the dreaded scurvy dogs of colorectal and breast cancers!

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