The Booty Report

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"Avast ye mateys! Methinks the scallywag Axial PsA be walkin' th' plank, partin' ways with axSpA, arrr!"


Arrr! The quarrel be still ragin' on whether these ailments be sailin' together or should be kept asunder. <i>MDedge News</i> be reckonin'.

In the goodly land of medicine, there be a debate that rages on like a fiery storm upon the high seas. Yonder folk ponder upon whether two afflictions, known as "conditions" be they, are but different sides of the same cursed coin or if they ought to be treated as separate beasts. Aye, the question be as grand as the treasures hidden in Davy Jones' locker.
Now, one might wonder what these conditions be, and why they stir up such a fuss among the learned ones. The first one, they call it "autism," a name that sounds more fearsome than a scurvy-ridden pirate. It affects the young lads and lasses, makin' it difficult for them to socialize and communicate like proper landlubbers.
The other condition, me hearties, be "schizophrenia," a name that sends shivers down a sailor's spine. This devilish ailment be messin' with a person's thoughts and perceptions, makin' them hear voices and see things that be naught but figments of their imagination.
Now, some wise souls be contendin' that these two conditions be related, like two ships sailin' together on the same treacherous sea. They argue that the symptoms and brain abnormalities be sharin' more than a drop of grog in common. But there be others, skeptics they call 'em, who believe that these conditions be as different as mermaids and krakens.
So, what be the truth, ye may be wonderin'? Well, me hearties, that be a question for the savviest of scholars and the most daring of doctors. Until they uncover the answer, let us enjoy the jest that be this debate, for it be a reminder that even in the serious world of medicine, a touch of humor be as valuable as a chest full o' gold doubloons.

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