The Booty Report

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Arrr, the scallywags be flockin' to Canada's EDs like a band o' thirsty pirates stormin' a rum-filled tavern!


Avast, me hearties! In the treacherous waters of COVID-19, Canada's emergency decks suffered a mighty blow. But, by blackbeard's beard, those visits be risin' and fallin' like the tides! Aye, Medscape Medical News!

Arr, me hearties! Gather 'round and lend an ear to a tale that be as twisty as a ship's mast in a storm! Aye, it be a tale of the times we be livin' in, a tale of the cursed COVID-19 pandemic that's been sweepin' across the land like a fearsome tempest, leavin' nary a soul untouched.

At the start, when the first wave of the plague washed ashore, our brave emergency departments suffered a mighty blow. Like a ship caught in a deadly squall, they were overwhelmed by the sickly souls seekin' refuge from the wrath of the invisible enemy. But, fear not me hearties, for as time went on, our brave doctors and nurses rallied like a crew of seasoned buccaneers, battlin' the storm with every ounce of strength they had.

As days turned into weeks, and weeks turned into months, emergency departments in Canada began to see a change in the tides. The visits, which had plummeted like a cannonball into the deep blue sea, started to rise again. Ahoy, there be hope on the horizon! But don't get too comfortable, me hearties, for these visits be like the waves, unpredictable and ever-changin'.

Some days, our gallant emergency departments be flooded with patients, like a treasure chest overflowin' with gold doubloons. Other days be quieter, like a calm sea on a summer's eve. But one thing be certain, the visits be sustainin' themselves, like a sturdy ship battlin' the currents of fate.

So, me hearties, let this be a reminder to ye all. The battle against this fearsome plague be far from over. But fear not, for our brave emergency departments be standin' strong, ready to face whatever challenges lie ahead. Aye, we may be wearin' masks and keepin' our distance, but we be fightin' together, united as a crew on the high seas.

So, raise a mug of grog and toast to those brave souls who be fightin' on the front lines. May their sails be always full, and their compass always true. And remember, me hearties, together we can weather any storm, and soon enough, we'll find ourselves in calm waters once more. Yo ho ho!

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