The Booty Report

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Arrr, me hearties! Them biomarkers be mighty handy in steerin' the ship o' Crohn's Disease, says I!


Arr, ye scurvy dogs! 'Tis Ashwin Ananthakrishnan, MD, the cap'n o' the new AGA guidelines, chattin' 'bout usin' them fancy biomarkers instead o' endoscopy to keep an eye on treatment response fer certain types o' CD. Avast, me hearties! <i>Medscape Medical News</i> be tellin' the tale!

In a jolly twist, Ashwin Ananthakrishnan, MD, lead author of the swanky new AGA guidelines, spilled the beans on using biomarkers instead of endoscopy to keep an eye on treatment response for certain types of CD. Arr, ye scurvy dogs, it be a pirate's life for us! Avast ye, mateys, this be some exciting news for all ye landlubbers out there!

Now, me hearties, let me tell ye a tale about them biomarkers. These here little scoundrels be like hidden treasures in the blood and poop of a scallywag with CD. By measuring these biomarkers, we can see if the treatment be working or if it be time to walk the plank and try something else.

But here's the real kicker, me buckos: these biomarkers be more accurate than a pirate's aim with a musket! They be telling us if the treatment be doing its duty without us having to sail the treacherous seas of endoscopy. No more shoving a telescope down someone's throat or poking around in their booty!

Ahoy, me hearties, CD be a tricky devil. Sometimes, the symptoms be as clear as the Caribbean waters on a sunny day, but other times, they be as elusive as the mythical Kraken. That be why these biomarkers be so valuable, me maties. They be giving us a treasure map to guide us on our journey to find the right treatment.

So, me hearties, raise your grog and toast to these new guidelines! Let's sail the seas of medicine with confidence, armed with the power of biomarkers. No more relying solely on the ol' endoscopy, we be moving forward into the future. Yo ho ho and a bottle of rum, we be making waves in the world of CD treatment!

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