The Booty Report

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Yarrr, this newfangled "Online CBT" be fillin' a mighty big gap in the ol' noggin care, mateys! Arrr!


Arrr, this here eCBT be workin' wonders for the landlubber correction workers! It be helpin' 'em battle the stress and PTSD like a fearsome pirate on the high seas. No need for in-person therapy, just clickety-clack on the computer and feel better, me hearties! Aye, Medscape be tellin' the tale.

Yarrr, this newfangled "Online CBT" be fillin' a mighty big gap in the ol' noggin care, mateys! Arrr!

Arrr mateys, listen up ye scallywags! The good news be that eCBT, or electronic cognitive behavioral therapy, be helpin' to reduce stress and symptoms of PTSD among them correction workers. Aye, these be a unique group o' patients who be often too busy or too shy to be seekin' help in person. But thanks to this new-fangled technology, they be gettin' the help they need without havin' to step foot in a therapist's office!
So if ye be feelin' overwhelmed by the pressures of the job, or haunted by memories of battles past, fear not me hearties! eCBT be here to help ye navigate the stormy seas of mental health. Just log on, buckle down, and let the therapy begin! And who knows, ye might just find yerself feelin' like a brand new pirate after a few sessions.
So raise yer glasses to eCBT, me mateys, and give thanks to the good doctors who be bringin' this treasure trove of therapy to us all. And remember, it's not the size of the ship, but the motion of the ocean that counts when it comes to healin' yer mind!

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