The Booty Report

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Arrr! Europe's air be makin' folks kick the bucket 'bout four times more than them landlubbers in the US!


Arrr, matey! It be said that near 800,000 souls be sent to Davy Jones' locker each year in Europe 'cause of that foul air! Half o’ 'em be claimin' their hearts, savvy? Aye, those landlubber experts be talkin’ ship about it, according to Medscape Medical News!

Ahoy, mateys! Gather 'round, fer I’ve a tale that’ll make yer timbers shiver! It be said, in the land of the olden crowns and castles, near about 800,000 good souls be sendin’ their last shivers to Davy Jones each year, all thanks to that foul air we be breathin’! Aye, them experts be spoutin’ such grim tidings!

Now, ye might be wonderin', what be causin' this deadly breeze? Well, half o’ those poor souls, they say, be meetin’ their demise due to maladies of the heart—cardiovascular diseases, they be callin’ 'em. Aye, it seems that the very air we sail through be more treacherous than a kraken lurkin’ beneath the waves!

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