Arrr! The AHS scroll on mendin' young sea urchins' noggins after a rough squall o' trauma! Aye, laughter be the cure!
Arrr! The scallywags at the American Headache Society be scribblin' a fine scroll on how to tame the pesky post-bump noggin thumpin’ in young swabs. Aye, if ye be feelin’ foggy after a tumble, they’ve got the treasure map to ease yer skull! Avast, matey!
Ahoy, me hearties! Gather 'round and lend an ear to this jolly tale from the American Headache Society, a crew of wise landlubbers who be chartin' the treacherous waters of post-traumatic headache in the wee ones! Aye, they’ve penned a fine white paper, a treasure map, if ye will, for treatin’ the throbbin’ noggins found after a raucous bonk to the head, commonly known as a concussion.