The Booty Report

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Ye best be careful, me hearties! The lasses be sufferin' from grave maladies that be messin' with their noggin'. Aye!


Arrr mateys, be warned! Wench troubles be leadin' to visits to the ship's infirmary for 13 years after spawnin' yer little scallywags. Best be keepin' an eye out for signs o' mental health woes, lest ye find yerself walkin' the plank! Aye, Medscape be tellin' no tall tales.

Arrr, me hearties! Listen up ye scallywags, for I bring ye news from the Medscape Medical News! It be a tale of severe maternal morbidity, a curse that be plaguing the lasses who have borne younglings. Aye, it be said that those who suffer from this affliction be at a greater risk of findin' themselves in the hospital or emergency room for mental health conditions for up to 13 years after givin' birth.

Imagine that, me mateys! A poor lass who thought she be through with the troubles of childbirth now findin' herself battlin' mental demons long after the wee one be walkin' and talkin'. It be a sad state of affairs, indeed. But fear not, for the good doctors be workin' hard to understand this curse and find a way to help those who be sufferin'.

So let us raise a tankard of grog to those brave lasses who be fightin' this battle, and may they find solace in knowin' that they be not alone in their struggles. Aye, the seas of motherhood be treacherous, but with the support of their fellow sailors, they be sure to weather the storm.

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