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Yarrr! Me hearties, fear not! These fancy fertility tricks won't give ye lasses any trouble with heart diseases!


Arrr! No extra peril for heart ailments be found 'mongst lasses who bore 'fter in vitro fertilization or the use o' other helpful reproductive technologies, matey! Sail on, ladies! <i>Medscape Medical News</i>

Arrr, me hearties! Listen up, ye scurvy dogs! A new study be sayin' that there be no greater risk o' heart disease for women who give birth through in vitro fertilization or other fancy assisted reproductive technologies. Aye, ye heard me right!

Now, ye may be wonderin' why anyone would be thinkin' that havin' a wee bun in the oven through these high-tech methods could be bad for yer ticker. Well, it be all because some folks thought that the stress and strain o' goin' through these procedures might be takin' a toll on the old ticker.

But fear not, me hearties! This study, published in Medscape Medical News, tells us that there be no need to worry. The researchers looked at a whole bunch o' women who had gone through in vitro fertilization or other assisted reproductive technologies, and they found that the risk o' heart disease be no different from those who had conceived naturally.

Now, ye might be wonderin' what this means for ye, me fellow pirates. Well, if ye be a lass who wants to have a wee one but needs a bit o' help from the likes o' in vitro fertilization, ye can rest easy. Yer heart be in good shape, and ye can focus on enjoyin' the joys o' motherhood without worryin' about any extra risk o' heart disease.

So there ye have it, me hearties! No need to be fearin' the risk o' heart disease when ye seek the help o' in vitro fertilization or other assisted reproductive technologies. Set sail on the high seas o' motherhood without worryin' about the health o' yer heart! Arrr!

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