The Booty Report

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Arrr! Be diagnosin' early be makin' ye chances of a successful outcome in PsA much better, matey!


Avast ye scurvy dogs! The scurvy dogs known as rheumatologists be diagnosing Psoriatic arthritis within a year of symptoms bein' shown, leadin' to better outcomes in the long haul. Arrr, 'tis a study reported by the Medscape Medical News, mateys! Aye, the tale be true!

Arrr mateys, listen up! A recent study be showin' that gettin' diagnosed with Psoriatic arthritis by a rheumatologist within a year of yer symptoms appearin' can greatly improve yer long-term clinical outcomes, arrr! That be good news for all ye scallywags out there dealin' with this pesky disease.

So if ye be feelin' them joint pains or seein' them telltale signs of Psoriatic arthritis, don't be wastin' any time - make an appointment with a rheumatologist quick as a flash! The sooner ye get diagnosed, the better yer chances be of a smooth sailin' recovery, arrr!

Remember, early diagnosis be key when it comes to fightin' off this scurvy disease. So don't be a landlubber, take action and see a rheumatologist as soon as ye can. Yer future self will be thankin' ye for it, me hearties!

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