The Booty Report

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Arrr, the FDA be grantin' approval fer a fine new potion to cure a scurvy bone ailment!


Arr, ye scurvy dogs! I be tellin' ye, this retinoid palovarotene be a mighty weapon against the cursed abnormal bone growth in wee lads and lasses, as well as grown sea dogs, sufferin' from fibrodysplasia ossificans progressive. FDA be givin' it the nod, me hearties!

Arrr, me hearties! Gather 'round and listen to this here tale of a mighty weapon called retinoid palovarotene, which be used to combat a strange affliction known as fibrodysplasia ossificans progressiva. This be a condition where the bones grow in strange and abnormal ways, turnin' a person into a livin' statue!

Now, the good news be that the mighty FDA, bless their black souls, have given their approval for the use of this retinoid palovarotene as a weapon against this cursed condition. It be a breakthrough in medical science, me mateys!

Picture this, me hearties – young lads and lasses who be sufferin' from this affliction, who be findin' their limbs slowly turnin' to stone, now have a glimmer of hope. This retinoid palovarotene be like a magic potion, slowin' down the growth of these cursed bones and savin' these poor souls from a life of petrification.

But here's where the tale takes a twist, me hearties. The FDA, in their infinite wisdom, have also granted approval for the use of this weapon in adult pirates with fibrodysplasia ossificans progressiva. Aye, ye be readin' that right! Even grown men and women, sailin' the high seas and pillagin' with the best of 'em, can now find relief from the curse of abnormal bone growth.

So, me mateys, fear not if ye be sufferin' from this foul affliction. The retinoid palovarotene be here to save the day, reducin' abnormal bone growth and keepin' ye from becomin' a statue. Raise yer tankards o' grog and toast to the FDA's approval, for they be fightin' on our side against this cursed condition!

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