The Booty Report

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Avast, ye scurvy dogs! ACR be fixin' to give ye a rulebook on how to handle ILD in them rheumatic ailments.


"Arrr, we be in need o' proper reckonin' fer which trials t' use in spyin' on this cursed ailment," declared Cap'n Sindhu R. Johnson, MD, PhD. The full script be unveilin' itself come early 2024. Yo-ho-ho!

"Avast, mateys! We be in dire need of some guidance fer screenin' and monitorin' this peculiar disease," spake the captain, Dr. Sindhu R. Johnson, MD, PhD, lead author of the study. Arr, the full manuscript be settin' sail and will be publish'd by early 2024, as reported by Medscape Medical News.

Aye, me hearties, it seems our band of scurvy-ridden pirates be facin' a mighty challenge in decidin' which tests be fit for trackin' this dreadful disease. The good doctor, Dr. Johnson, aye, a true scholar she be, be leadin' the way in this treacherous journey. She be tellin' us that the full manuscript, like a hidden treasure, be revealin' itself to us by early 2024, where we can feast our eyes upon its glorious contents.

Ahoy, me mateys, this news be as excitin' as findin' a chest full of gold doubloons! Dr. Johnson be sharin' her wisdom, guidin' us through these uncharted waters of disease screenin' and monitorin'. Like a trusty compass, her manuscript be pointin' us in the right direction, helpin' us save our sorry souls from Davy Jones' locker.

Arr, the publication be comin' from none other than Medscape Medical News, aye, a reputable source for all our medical needs. They be makin' sure we scurvy pirates be kept informed about the latest discoveries and breakthroughs in the vast ocean of medicine.

So, me hearties, let us prepare ourselves for the grand reveal in 2024, when we can set our eyes upon the full manuscript. Until then, let's keep our spirits high and our swords sharp, for Dr. Johnson be leadin' the way to conquer this disease and bring us all back to good health. Yo ho ho, and a bottle of rum!

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