The Booty Report

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Arrr, beware mateys! Scurvy dog S aureus be causin' more bone rot in them with RA. Aye aye!


Arrr, me hearties! The use of fancy orthopedic trinkets or magic potions be makin' the risk of bone infections soar to the heavens for them scallywags with RA and the dreaded S aureus bug. Ye best be keepin' an eye out for them pesky infections, lest ye end up walkin' the plank! Arrr!

Arrr, me hearties! Listen up ye scallywags, for I bring ye news from the land of medicine! It be said that the use of fancy contraptions like orthopedic implants or potions known as tumor necrosis factor inhibitors be causin' a double risk for bone infections in patients with a condition known as RA, who have been cursed with S aureus bacteremia. Aye, 'tis a treacherous path these poor souls be walkin' on!
Ye see, these so-called remedies may be doin' more harm than good, creatin' a perfect storm for infections to wreak havoc on their bones. 'Tis a cautionary tale, me hearties, for those who be dabblin' in the dark arts of medicine.
So heed this warning, me mateys, and think twice before ye go under the knife or partake in these fancy potions. 'Tis better to be safe than sorry when it comes to yer bones, for once the infection sets in, there be no turnin' back. May ye sail the seas of health with caution and wisdom, me hearties!

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