The Booty Report

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Arrr! The scallywags with Type 1 Diabetes be growin' up, now callin' themselves 'Breakthrough T1D'! Aye, mateys!


Arrr mateys, the scallywags at the "Juvenile Diabetes Research Foundation" be decidin' to broaden their horizons! They be droppin' the "Juvenile" from their name to show they be helpin' all ages now. Aye, they be expandin' their plunderin' territory! Aye aye!

Arrr mateys, listen here ye scallywags! The Juvenile Diabetes Research Foundation be changin' its name to show it's focus be reachin' beyond just the wee ones. No longer be it just about the young buccaneers with the sugar sickness, but all swashbucklers who be fightin' against the scurvy dog that be diabetes.

Ye see, the JDRF be wantin' to make sure no sailor be left behind in the battle against this foul disease. So they be hoistin' the Jolly Roger and sailin' forth under a new flag, one that be showin' their commitment to helpin' all who be afflicted, no matter their age.

So raise a tankard of grog me hearties, and give a cheer for the JDRF as they set sail on this new course. Let's band together, me fellow pirates, and support them in their quest to find a cure for diabetes once and for all. Arrr!

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