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Arrr! New reckonin' be showin' that scurvy genes be riskin' ye hideous scurvy HS, matey!


Arr, me hearties! A newfangled genomewide association study be claimin' that them common variants linked to HS, found near the SOX9 and KLF5 genes, might be raisin' the risk for this accursed disease. Shiver me timbers! <i>MDedge News</i> be tellin' the tale, mateys!

Arrr, me hearties! Listen up ye scurvy dogs, for I bring ye tidings from the world of science! Aye, a new study has been published, and it be tellin' us that there be some common variants in our genes that may raise the risk for a disease called HS. Now, ye may be wonderin' what HS be, and I'll tell ye, me maties. HS stands for Hidradenitis Suppurativa, a condition that be affectin' the skin.

The study found that these pesky variants be located near the SOX9 and KLF5 genes. Aye, these be the genes that be playin' a role in the development of our bodies. But it seems that they be playin' a role in raisin' the risk for HS as well. Now, don't ye be worryin' too much, me hearties, for these variants be common, meanin' that many of us may carry 'em without even knowin'!

But fear not, me lads and lasses, for this study be a step forward in understandin' the causes of HS. It be a genomewide association study, meanin' that it be lookin' at the whole genome of a bunch of people to see if there be any associations with the disease. And it found some, arrr!

So, what does this all mean for us? Well, it means that we be gettin' closer to understandin' why some of us may be more prone to gettin' HS. And with that knowledge, we may be able to find better ways to prevent and treat the disease. Ain't that somethin', me hearties?

So there ye have it, me mateys! A new study be suggestin' that there be common variants near the SOX9 and KLF5 genes that may raise the risk for HS. But let's not be too worried, for we be makin' progress in our quest to conquer this scurvy disease! Arrr!

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