The Booty Report

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"Avast, mateys! This here CBT treasure map be bringin' fine fortunes to anxious young scallywags!"


Aye matey! The mystical 'Maya' app be a treasure for the anxious young scallywags, makin' their worries vanish like a ship in the night! Reports from the sea of Medscape say it be cuttin' anxiety down like a well-aimed cannonball! Arrr, what a jolly find!

Arrr mateys! Gather 'round, fer I be havin’ a tale to spin ‘bout a magical contraption called Maya, not the lass yer thinkin’ of, but an app that be savin' young scallywags from the torment o’ anxiety! Aye, this be no mere legend, but a truth revealed to us by the learned scribes of Medscape Medical News.

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