The Booty Report

News and Updates for Swashbucklers Everywhere

"Avast ye hearties! Yonder CRISPR-based gene therapy be gettin' the nod fer treatin' Beta Thalassemia! Yo ho ho!"


Arr, Exa-cel be havin' its second acceptance from the FDA! This here therapy, worth a hefty $2.2 million in the shores of the United States, be makin' its way to patients afore this year be over. Avast, me hearties! <i>Medscape Medical News</i> be tellin' the tale.

Arrr, me mateys! Set yer eyes on this fine piece o' news: Exa-cel, a mighty therapy, has received the blessing of the FDA for the second time! This here remedy, worth a hefty treasure of $2.2 million doubloons, be making its way to the shores of the United States, ready to be shared with patients come the early days of this year, arrr!

Avast, ye scallywags! This Exa-cel be a one-time therapy, a miraculous elixir that promises to cure what ails ye in a jiffy! It be a treasure worth its weight in gold, or rather, in pieces of eight. The FDA, in all its wisdom, has given it the nod, so ye can rest assured that it be the real deal, me hearties!

But beware, me lads and lasses, for this remedy don't come cheap! It be costin' a pretty penny indeed, with a list price as high as the crow's nest. Aye, $2.2 million it be, a sum that'll make even Blackbeard himself do a double take! But fear not, for there be whispers on the winds that there might be ways to lower the price, so keep a weather eye on the horizon, ye savvy?

So, me hearties, mark this date on yer calendars: the early days of this year be when Exa-cel will be ready for ye to snatch from the hands of Davy Jones himself! The FDA has given its seal of approval, the price be set, and now all that be left is for ye to find a way to get yer hands on this treasure. May it bring ye health and wellness on yer journeys through the seven seas!

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