The Booty Report

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Arrr! Young scallywags exposed to SSRI in the womb may suffer from smaller noggins, says ye study!


Arrr, me hearties! 'Tis been said that them wee ones in the womb, who have tasted the SSRI brew, might suffer from a decrease in their brain's treasure chest. But we be needin' more clues to decipher the true worth o' this discovery. Yo-ho-ho! <i>Medscape Medical News</i>

In the language of a swashbuckling 17th century pirate, it be revealed that exposure to SSRIs while still in the womb has been connected to a diminishment in brain volume among wee lads and lasses. Arrr, but fear not me hearties, for more knowledge be needed to truly grasp the importance of this discovery. Yo ho ho!

Arrr, mateys! This here news comes straight from the good folks at Medscape Medical News. They be tellin' us that lads and lasses who were exposed to SSRIs whilst dwellin' in their mother's belly may find their brain volume to be on the smaller side. Aye, a peculiar find indeed, but before we start jumpin' ship, we best be needin' more information to fully understand the significance of this discovery.

Shiver me timbers! This study suggests that the use of SSRIs during pregnancy may have an impact on the size of the young'uns' noggin. But, alas, it be not yet clear if this be a cause for alarm or simply an interesting tidbit to ponder for the scallywags in the medical community. Arrr, we must wait for more knowledge to be unearthed before we can truly decipher the meaning behind this curious finding.

Avast, me hearties! The matter at hand be that exposure to SSRIs whilst growin' in the womb appears to be linked to a decrease in brain volume among the wee ones. Arrr, but let us not jump to conclusions like landlubbers, for we be needin' more information to truly understand the significance of this discovery. Yo ho ho and a bottle of rum!

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