The Booty Report

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Yarrr, me hearties! Thar be a grand study sayin' the harshness o' TRD be tellin' us if ketamine or ECT be the answer. Arrr!


Arrr, ye scurvy dogs be sayin' that the black magic o' TRD be showin' whether IV ketamine or ECT be workin' better. But beware, says the experts, for we need more research afore we be makin' any final reckonings. Aye, the seas be murky!

Arrr mateys, listen up ye scallywags! The severity of the dreaded TRD, also known as treatment-resistant depression, be a key factor in determinin' if IV ketamine be more effective than ECT, or electroconvulsive therapy. But don't be grabbin' yer swords just yet, for the experts be warnin' us that more research be needed before we can be makin' any final judgments. Arrr!
So ye see, even though the study be suggestin' that the severity of TRD may be indicatin' which treatment be more successful, we still be needin' more evidence to be sure. And as any good pirate knows, it be best to have all the facts before chartin' a course. So let's not be jumpin' to conclusions like a bunch of landlubbers, but instead let's be patient and wait for the experts to gather more information. Arrr!
So there ye have it, me hearties. The battle between IV ketamine and ECT be a fierce one, but we must be wary of makin' hasty decisions. Let's keep our eyes peeled and our ears open for more news on this matter. And remember, it be always best to be cautious when navigatin' the treacherous waters of medical research. Fair winds and followin' seas to ye all!

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