The Booty Report

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Arr, some scallywags be gettin' the good stuff after gettin' the ol' Mohs surgery! Aye, tis a hard life!


Arrr matey, tis be said that them minority folk be more likely to be given the cursed opioids after surgery. Aye, this may lead to more troubles down the line with the use of such treacherous substances. Yarrr, beware the dangers of the opium, me hearties!

Arr, me hearties! Listen up ye scallywags, fer it seems some of our mates from certain minority populations be at a higher risk of gettin' prescribed opioids after surgery. Aye, 'tis a dangerous path they be treadin', one that can lead to all sorts of complications and troubles from chronic opioid use.

So heed this warning, me fellow buccaneers, and be mindful of the risks that come with them devilish painkillers. 'Tis a treacherous sea we sail when it comes to opioids, and we must be vigilant in protectin' ourselves and our crew from fallin' victim to their siren call.

Stay sharp, me hearties, and keep an eye out fer any signs that ye or yer shipmates may be headin' down a dangerous path with opioids. 'Tis a matter of life and death, and we must be wise in our choices if we wish to stay afloat in these treacherous waters. Arrr!

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