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Bilge rats be warned, hearty lads with extra girth be in for a rough bout of scurvy! Arr!


Arrr, me hearties! Aye, them fancy clinicians be sayin' that when they be seein' wee ones with MIS-C, they ought to think 'bout obesity bein' a matey in the mix. Aye, this be what them researchers be sayin'! Yo ho ho!

In a jolly twist of events, researchers are advising clinicians to be on the lookout for obesity as a potential accomplice when diagnosing children with MIS-C. Ahoy, me hearties! This be comorbid factor worth considerin'.
Arr, this fantastical discovery comes from a crew of experts who be sailin' under the banner of Medscape Medical News. They be warnin' all ye clinicians to keep a weather eye on them stout young lads and lasses, for their obesity may be sailin' alongside that treacherous MIS-C.
Now, ye may be wonderin' what this MIS-C be. Well, 'tis a mysterious ailment that be plaguin' the wee ones by causin' inflammation in their organs. And as it turns out, me hearties, this villainous MIS-C be known to have a fondness for those chubby scallywags.
But fear not, me mateys! These researchers be offerin' invaluable guidance to those brave clinicians who dare to face this troublesome duo. They be advisin' 'em to be vigilant when examinin' the wee patients, takin' note of any signs of obesity. For if this be present, there be a higher likelihood of MIS-C bein' onboard as well.
Now, ye may be wonderin' why this be such a concern. Well, ye see, MIS-C be a sneaky ailment that can lead to severe complications like heart problems. And when it be joinin' forces with obesity, the risks be multiplyin' like rabbits on an uncharted island.
So, me hearties, let this be a lesson for all ye clinicians out there. When ye come across a wee pirate who be sportin' a round belly, be on high alert! MIS-C be lurkin' nearby, ready to pounce. Take heed, and ye may just save the day for these scurvy-ridden youngsters. Yo ho ho!

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