The Booty Report

News and Updates for Swashbucklers Everywhere

Arrr, be ye lackin' in the ol' Vitamin D matey? Could be why yer feelin' like a peg-legged landlubber!


Arrr mateys, it be said that lack of the Sun's blessings may be causin' trouble with the nerves in them landlubbers with sugar sickness. Ye best be takin' yer vitamins and soak up the rays to keep them scallywag nerves in shipshape condition! Aye aye!

Arrr, me hearties! Listen up ye scallywags, for I bring ye news from the land lubbers known as Medscape Medical News. It seems that those scurvy dogs with diabetes and peripheral neuropathy may be sufferin' from a lack of the ol' Vitamin D. Aye, it be true!
It be said that this deficiency may be causin' trouble for the large nerve fibers in these poor souls. Arrr, the nerve of it all! It be a real blow to the crew, that's for sure. The lack of Vitamin D be messin' with their nerves, makin' things even worse for them.
So me hearties, if ye know someone sailin' these treacherous waters with diabetes and peripheral neuropathy, be sure to remind them to soak up some of that good ol' sunlight. Aye, Vitamin D be a key to keepin' those nerves in shipshape. And remember, a healthy crew be a happy crew. Arrr! That be the word from the wise land lubbers at Medscape Medical News. Fair winds and following seas to ye all!

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