The Booty Report

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Arrr mateys, be takin' yer meds for the scurvy of ADHD, lest ye be walkin' the plank! Aye!


Arr matey! The scallywags be sayin' that certain potions be helpin' to keep yer mind shipshape and preventin' ye from endin' up in the brig or takin' a plunge off the plank. A grand discovery, me hearties! Aye, me trusty Medscape be bringin' us the news.

Arrr, me hearties! Listen up ye scallywags, fer I bring ye news from the high seas of medicine. A new study has found that certain stimulants be linked to a lower risk of findin' yerself in the loony bin or takin' a plunge off the plank.
These findings come from a large study that be showin' that these stimulants may be helpin' to keep the crew safe from the dangers of hospitalization and suicide. Aye, it be a serious matter, but let us not be forgettin' to have a laugh along the way!
So me hearties, next time ye be feelin' down in the dumps or findin' yerself in need of a trip to the brig, remember to keep a bottle o' stimulant close at hand. It may just be the key to keepin' yer spirits high and yer mind clear.
And remember, take care of yerselves and each other out there on the high seas of life. Arrr!

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