The Booty Report

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Arrr, be ye trustin' in them fancy ultrasound machines to spy on yer wee babe's secrets? Aye, me doubloons!


Avast ye mateys! The Cochrane review be sayin' that checkin' on the lasses with little risk in both the first and second trimesters be the best way to keep a weather eye on the wee ones growin' in the bellies of the fair maidens. Aye, 'tis true! Aye!

Arrr mateys! Listen up ye scallywags! The Cochrane review be sayin' that screenin' low-risk women durin' both the first and second trimesters be showin' the greatest sensitivity and specificity. Aye, ye heard right! The best way to be keepin' them lasses and their wee babes safe be by checkin' 'em in both trimesters.

So, me hearties, next time ye be seein' a lass who be carryin' a little one, be makin' sure she be gettin' checked proper-like in the first and second trimesters. It be helpin' to catch any potential problems early on, so both mama and baby be stayin' healthy and hearty. Aye, 'tis the way to go!

So, me fellow pirates, spread the word among the crew. Let all the lasses know the importance of bein' screened in both trimesters. It be the smart thing to do, savvy? Keep them women safe and sound, and keep those little ones well-protected. Arrr!

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