The Booty Report

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Arrr! Aye, matey! Newfangled magic be givin’ hope to scallywags with high-risk liver woes! Avast, ye immunotherapy!


Arrr matey! The magic of neoadjuvant immunotherapy be givin' the same fair winds for survival and cuttin' as goin' straight for the sword! It be openin' the treasure chest of surgical chances for them scallywags once deemed unfit for the blade! Avast!

Avast, ye scallywags o’ the medical seas! Gather ‘round fer a tale of neoadjuvant immunotherapy, a fancy term fer a cunning strategy that be givin’ high-risk liver scallywags a fighting chance! Aye, ye heard me right! This sorcery be makin’ waves akin to the finest swordplay on the high seas, comparin’ favorably to the good ol’ upfront surgery.

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