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Arrr, be ye hospitals prepared to battle the mighty wrath o' climate change and its cataclysms, mateys?


Univadis Italy hath parleyed with a Belgian sea dog o' the intensive care, a proud member o' the Shifters health scallywags. This merry matey be toilin' away, aimin' to purge the economy o' its carbon curse. Arr! <i>Avast, Medscape Medical News!</i>

In a jolly old sea shanty, Univadis Italy recently had a chat with a fine Belgian physician who, by thunder, be part of the Shifters health professionals committee. And what, ye may ask, be the aim of this committee? Well, they be striving to decarbonize the blimey economy, mateys!
Arrr, this merry physician be working in the treacherous waters of intensive care, but that don't stop 'em from keeping an eye on the climate. They be concerned about the impact of carbon on our fragile planet and be passionate about makin' a difference. By Davy Jones' locker, they be wantin' to reduce the amount of carbon emissions belched out by the marketplace.
As part of the Shifters committee, this swashbucklin' doctor be focusin' on raisin' awareness among fellow healthcare professionals about the importance of takin' action. They be lettin' the crew know that we all need to band together to fight the climate change beast, or it'll be sendin' us all to Davey Jones’ locker!
Now, ye might be wonderin', what's the connection between the scallywags in intensive care and the carbon conundrum? Well, it be like this, lads and lasses: hospitals be a massive source of carbon emissions. Whether it be the energy they consume, the waste they produce, or the transportation they require, these landlubber healthcare facilities be spewin' out more carbon than a parrot squawks on a pirate's shoulder!
This fine Belgian physician be advocatin' for greener practices in the healthcare industry, like reducin' energy consumption, recyclin' waste, and encouragin' the use of sustainable transportation. They be thinkin' that by makin' these changes, we can reduce our carbon footprint and save our beautiful blue seas from bein' swallowed by the rising tides.
So, me hearties, let's all raise a tankard to this jolly physician and the Shifters committee, for they be fightin' the good fight. Arrr, together we can make the world a better place for all the scallywags that come after us!

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