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Arrr, ye scurvy dogs be sayin' that Biogen's act o' abandonin' the AD drug be no surprise! Avast, they be experts indeed!


Avast ye! Arr, mateys! 'Tis been over 2 years since the FDA granted their controversial approval, but now Biogen be sayin' they be stoppin' the makin' o' aducanumab and turnin' their sights to lecanemab. Yo-ho-ho!

In a stunning turn of events, me hearties, the scurvy dogs at Biogen be puttin' an end to their grand plans for aducanumab, a drug they thought would be the key to treasure beyond imagination. This here drug, me hearties, was given the blessing of the FDA two long years ago, despite many doubloons being cast its way. But now, Biogen be sayin' "avast ye" to aducanumab and lookin' to set their sights on a new prize: lecanemab.

Aducawhata? Ye might be askin'. Well, me hearties, aducanumab was a treatment for the cursed disease known as Alzheimer's. Many a scallywag had high hopes for this drug, believin' it would be a game-changer in the fight against forgetfulness. But alas, it seems those hopes be dashed against the rocky shores of reality. Biogen be claimin' that further development of aducanumab be as useless as a peg leg on a parrot, and they be settin' their sights on lecanemab instead.

What be this lecanemab, ye ask? Well, me hearties, it be another drug that be aimin' to slay the beast known as Alzheimer's. Biogen be hopin' that this new contender be the real deal, unlike its doomed predecessor. They be sayin' that lecanemab be showin' promise in early tests, and they be wantin' to put all their doubloons into this here venture. So, they be castin' aducanumab aside like a piece of driftwood and sailin' full speed ahead with lecanemab.

It be a sad day for those who had pinned their hopes on aducanumab, but such is the way of the pirate's life. We be sailin' in treacherous waters, me hearties, and sometimes ye just gotta abandon ship. So, let us raise a mug of grog to aducanumab, for even though it be sinkin' to Davy Jones' locker, it sailed the seas with the best of 'em. And may lecanemab prove to be the treasure we be searchin' for all along.

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