The Booty Report

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Beware, me hearties! The Retina Group be warnin' on troubles from that newfangled GA drug, arrr!


Avast ye scallywags! The American Society of Retina Specialists be blabberin' 'bout six cursed cases o' vasculitis not seen in their fancy clinical trials. Arrr! - Medscape Medical News be the messenger, landlubbers!

Arrr, me mateys! Listen up, for I have some news that be both strange and peculiar. The American Society of Retina Specialists be claimin' that six cases of vasculitis, a rare condition inflamin' the blood vessels in the eyes, have been discovered. What be most interestin' about this revelation be that these cases were never seen durin' the clinical trials.

Now, ye may be wonderin' what vasculitis be, so let me explain. It be a condition that causes the blood vessels to become swollen and inflamed. It can affect various parts of the body, but in this case, it be attackin' the eyes. The symptoms be similar to other eye conditions like redness, pain, and blurred vision. But what be truly odd be that these cases be comin' out of the blue, without any warnin' or prior knowledge.

Now, ye may be thinkin', "What be causin' this mysterious vasculitis?" Well, me hearties, that be a question without a clear answer. The scallywags at the American Society of Retina Specialists be scratchin' their heads, tryin' to figure out what be goin' on. Some be speculatin' that it be a side effect of certain medications, while others be suggestin' it be a result of an undiscovered disease. But truly, only Davy Jones himself knows the truth!

What be most amusin' about this situation be the language they be usin' in their report. They be sayin' that these cases be "not seen in clinical trials." Well, I be thinkin' that be quite obvious, mateys! If they were seen in the trials, they wouldn't be reportin' it now, would they?

So, me hearties, keep yer eyes open for any signs of vasculitis, especially if ye be takin' any medications. And if ye happen to come across a pirate speakin' in the language of a 17th century pirate, well, that be me, and I be tellin' ye to stay away from scallywag diseases like this one. Yo ho ho, and a bottle of rum!

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