The Booty Report

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Arrr! The scalpel o' bariatric surgery be tied to less heft in the belly o' pregnant lasses.


Arrr, me hearties! 'Tis been discovered that lasses who've had the ol' bariatric surgery gained less weight when carryin' a wee one than their mates with similar BMIs but without such a history. A grand study it be! Medscape Medical News be tellin' the tale.

In a jolly twist of fate, a grand study has discovered that lasses who have embarked on the treacherous voyage of bariatric surgery be gaining less weight during their delicate condition of pregnancy, when compared to their fellow lasses with similar BMIs but no such history. Yarr, shiver me timbers, what a sight to behold!

Arr, this study, carried out on a grand scale, be bringin' joy to the hearts of many a lady who have sailed through the stormy seas of bariatric surgery. These brave souls, who have had their bellies altered in an attempt to thwart the perils of obesity, be findin' themselves with a smaller load to carry during their adventures with child. Ain't that a treasure worth seekin'!

Now, ye may be askin', me hearty, how this study came to light. Well, let me tell ya! The clever researchers dug through a vast treasure trove of data and compared the weights of these bariatric survivors to those of their counterparts who never faced the surgeon's blade. And, lo and behold, the ladies who had undergone the surgery be gainin' less weight during their precious cargo's journey to the world!

But don't ye be thinkin' that this be an easy route, me hearties. Bariatric surgery be no walk in the park! These brave women be facin' many challenges on their path to a lighter load. And yet, despite the dangers they be facin', they be comin' out on top when it comes to weighin' less during pregnancy. It be a curious discovery indeed!

So, me fellow pirates, let us raise a tankard of grog to these brave lasses who have sailed through storms and tempests, and emerged with lighter burdens during their journeys to motherhood. May their tales be an inspiration to all who face the treacherous seas of bariatric surgery!

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