The Booty Report

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Arrr, this here program be helpin' mateys avoid walkin' the plank of opioid overdose, savvy? Aye!


Arrr mateys, ye be hearin' that helpin' hands in the emergency department be leadin' to better followin' of post-discharge pills for the cursed opioid use disorder. No more repeatin' overdoses for these scallywags! Aye, 'tis a grand findin' indeed, says the Medscape Medical News.

Arr, ye scallywags! Listen up, fer I have news to share from the shores of the medical world. A recent study has found that seekin' help from yer fellow mates in the emergency department can lead to better adherence to post-discharge medication for opioid use disorder. Aye, that's right! The power of peer recovery support be mighty indeed.
But that ain't all, me hearties! The study also found that this support can help reduce the chances of repeat overdoses. Aye, it be true! So next time ye find yerself in need of help with yer opioid use disorder, be sure to seek out the assistance of yer fellow pirates in the emergency department.
So remember, me mateys, when it comes to dealin' with opioid use disorder, it be important to not be goin' it alone. Seek out the support of yer fellow pirates in the emergency department, and ye may just find yerself on a path to better health and fewer repeat overdoses. Arr, the power of peer recovery support be a treasure worth seekin'!

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