The Booty Report

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Yarr! Them black mates with troubled minds be findin' themselves more bound 'n restricted, says the scuttlebutt.


Avast ye! 'Tis be reported that black mates in the loony bin be 85% more like to be bound with ropes, pills, or contraptions than their white counterparts. And mind ye', they be stuck in them binds for a longer spell! Arrr!

Arrr matey! 'Tis a sad tale I be tellin' ye. According to the Medscape Medical News, the black psychiatric inpatients be facin' a harsh reality. They be 85% more likely to be restrained with a physical or mechanical hold, or even forced to take medication, than their white counterparts. Aye, tis a great injustice indeed!

Now, ye might be wonderin' why this be happenin'. Well, the article don't give us the full story, but it be clear that these black patients be facin' longer periods of restraint and medication compared to the white patients. Aye, it be a sorry state of affairs.

Now, me hearties, this be a serious matter, but let's not lose our sense of humor, shall we? Picture this: a group of pirates, sailin' the high seas, but instead of huntin' for treasure, they be lookin' for black psychiatric inpatients to restrain! Arrr, that be a peculiar sight indeed!

But in all seriousness, this be no laughing matter. It be a clear example of the inequalities that be existin' in our world, even in the realm of healthcare. Every soul, no matter their color or creed, should be treated with fairness and dignity. Aye, it be high time we address this issue and make sure that all patients, black or white, receive the same level of care.

So, me hearties, let's raise our mugs of grog and toast to a future where all patients receive equal treatment. Let's fight against these disparities and ensure that no one be subject to unnecessary restraints or medications based on the color of their skin. Arrr, it be time for a change!

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