The Booty Report

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Arrr, the FDA be givin' its blessing to the liquid version of Secukinumab, matey!


Arrr, me hearties! This here fancy way o' givin' medicine be comin' fer ye in the fourth quarter o' 2023. Avast ye, me mates, 'tis a fine news from Medscape Medical News!

In a jolly twist of fate, a new method of delivering medicines is set to sail into our lives, me hearties! Arrr, ye heard it right! The fourth quarter of 2023 be the time when this glorious route of administration will be unleashed upon us, according to the fine folks at Medscape Medical News.

Picture yerself, me hearties, a bottle of medicine not havin' to be swallowed or injected into yer veins. Nay! This newfangled method be so advanced that it be takin' a different path altogether. Arrr, it be a mystery what this method be, but we can be sure that it be as grand as a pirate ship sailin' the high seas!

While we may not know the exact details of this unconventional method, we can certainly let our imaginations run wild, can't we? Picture yerself, mateys, standin' on the deck of a ship, feelin' the salty breeze on yer face as ye open a treasure chest filled with tiny capsules. Ye take one of 'em and place it under yer tongue, as if ye were savin' it for later plunder.

But, me hearties, don't ye be forgettin' that this be a drug delivery method, not a pirate's tale! So while it may be temptin' to imagine yerself as a buccaneer, it be important to remember that this method could have real benefits for patients. It may offer a quicker way for medicines to be absorbed into the bloodstream, helpin' ye get better faster.

So, me hearties, mark yer calendars for the fourth quarter of 2023, when this mysterious new route of administration will be introduced. Until then, keep a weather eye on the horizon and be ready for the adventures that lie ahead. Arrr, it be an excitin' time to be sailin' the seas of medicine!

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