The Booty Report

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Arrr matey, Insmed's potion be a success in treatin' the black lung! Aye, scallywags be breathin' easy now!


Arrr mateys, Insmed be claimin' their potion be makin' lungs clear as the ocean blue! No more pesky coughin' plaguin' ye days with this here remedy. Trust the rumour, ye lungs will thank ye! Hoist the sails, we be breathin' easy now!

Arrr, me hearties! Listen up, for I have news of great importance from the land lubbers at Insmed. They be sayin' that their drug, meant for a pesky chronic lung disease, be showin' promise in reducin' the annoyin' symptoms that plague us swashbucklers. Chronic cough be a real pain in the stern, but it seems this here drug be helpin' to lessen the frequency of such pesky respiratory symptoms.
According to the scallywags at Insmed, their drug candidate be showin' significant improvement in a late-stage study. This be a fine bit of news for all us scurvy dogs who be sufferin' from such ailments. It be bringin' a glimmer of hope to those who be struggle in' with chronic lung disease.
So let us raise a tankard of grog to the fine folks at Insmed, for they be workin' hard to find a solution to our respiratory woes. May their efforts continue to bear fruit, and may we all soon breathe easier thanks to their hard work. Arrr, cheers to Insmed and their promising drug candidate!

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