The Booty Report

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Yarrr, mateys! Them scallywags with MS be havin' a higher chance of a seizure! Watch yer step, ye landlubbers!


Arr matey, the chance of havin' yer booty seized be near twofold in scallywags with multiple sclerosis compared to them without the cursed MS. And be even higher for them takin' the cursed S1PR modulator. Aye, beware the treacherous waters, me hearties!

Ahoy mateys! Listen up, for I bring ye news of treacherous waters ahead for those with the cursed disease known as multiple sclerosis. Arrr, it be said that the risk of seizure be almost twofold higher for these unfortunate souls than for those without the dreaded MS. But beware, me hearties, for the danger be even greater for those who be takin' the S1PR modulator!

Ye best be keepin' a weather eye on the horizon and steer clear of them modulators if ye value yer noggin. The Medscape Medical News be warnin' us of these perilous waters, and we would do well to heed their words. So batten down the hatches and prepare for battle against the seizures, me hearties!

Remember, the sea be a cruel mistress, and MS be a fierce foe. But with caution and vigilance, we can navigate these turbulent waters and emerge victorious. So hoist the Jolly Roger, me mateys, and let us sail forth with courage and strength in the face of adversity!

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