The Booty Report

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"Arrr, matey! Doth givin' up ICI therapy spell doom for them with HNSCC? Aye, 'tis a conundrum!"


Arrr, me hearties! It be found that scallywags with pesky head and neck squamous cell trouble can cast off them immune checkpoint contraptions after a year or two without fear of meeting Davy Jones! Aye, that be the word from the trusty Medscape crew!

"Arrr, matey! Doth givin' up ICI therapy spell doom for them with HNSCC? Aye, 'tis a conundrum!"

Avast ye landlubbers! Gather 'round as I share a merry tale from the realm of medicine, where the brave souls known as patients battle the treacherous foe known as recurrent or metastatic head and neck squamous cell carcinoma. A grand study has been unfurled, revealing a jolly good find! It be said that these hearty mateys can toss aside their immune checkpoint inhibitors after a year or two of faithful service without fear of sinking their ship of survival!

Yarr, ‘tis true! These fine folk need not be shackled to their potions and powders for eternity, as the results of this study indicate they can sail forth with naught but the wind in their sails and the sun upon their backs. Freed from the clutches of constant treatments, they can prance about with glee, enjoying life like a parched sailor finally finding a barrel of rum!

But worry not, me hearties, for this revelation be no mere trick of the tide! Nay, it be a boon for those fighting this wicked scourge, allowing ‘em to chart a course towards a life filled with laughter, shenanigans, and perhaps even a treasure or two! So hoist the sails and celebrate, for the seas of medical knowledge be ever changing, and this be one grand wave to ride!

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