The Booty Report

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Arrr! Organ troubles be a scallywag's curse, especially when Lupus be runnin' rampant in the early days, matey!


Arrr, matey! In the first year o' this scurvy lupus beast, one in five souls be sufferin' from organ woes. But fear not, as time sails on, fewer landlubbers be findin' new troubles! Avast, let’s hoist a tankard to the resilient crew!

Avast ye landlubbers! Gather 'round, for I bear tidings from the treacherous seas of medicine! It be said that one in five scallywags sufferin' from the cursed ailment known as lupus be findin’ their prized organs in a right pickle within the first year of bein' diagnosed. Aye, that be a hefty dose of misfortune, akin to a ship bein' boarded by a crew of mutinous sea rats!

But fear not, for as the tides of time roll on, fewer of these poor souls be sufferin’ new damage to their vessels—uh, I mean, their organs! It seems that with the passing of years, the scales of misfortune tip in favor of the hardy lupians. Much like a pirate avoidin’ the noose, they be dodgin’ further calamity like a crafty buccaneer evadin’ the law!

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