The Booty Report

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"Arrr! Aye, that APOE be causin' a ruckus in yer peepers when them pesky eye infections strike!"


Arrr matey! A wee bit of magic from the apolipoprotein E gene be aidin’ the ship’s healers in spyin’ eye troubles in scallywags stricken with infectious conjunctivitis. Avast, who knew genes could be so handy, eh? A fine treasure for our ocular adventures! ⚓️👁️

Ahoy, mateys! Gather 'round, fer I’ve got a tale of a treasure hidden in the depths of the eye! Aye, it be the apolipoprotein E gene, a wee biomarker that be as sly as a sea serpent and as useful as a compass on a foggy morn. This clever little marker be helpin’ the healers spot corneal damage in landlubbers stricken with the scallywag known as infectious conjunctivitis.

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