The Booty Report

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"Avast ye mateys! Hear the latest scuttlebutt on blastin' wee tatas with celestial rays fer ye early cancer!"


Arrr, ye scurvy dogs! Aye, it be said that the latest rule be tossin' away the 2017 decree, for there be newfangled proof from grand trials claimin' that blastin' only a portion o' yer chest with cannonballs be just as good as layin' waste to the whole bloody thing! Arrr!

Arrr, me mateys! Avast ye, for I have some news to share with ye all! Listen well, for I'll be speakin' in the language of a 17th century pirate, addin' a touch of humor to the matter at hand.

Arrr, it seems that there be some new guidelines in town! The old ones from 2017 be walkin' the plank, for there be new evidence from multiple large trials that has emerged. This evidence be showin' that partial and whole breast radiation be havin' comparable outcomes. Aye, ye heard that right, me hearties!

Now, ye might be wonderin' what this means for ye and yer lasses. Well, it means that there be options, me buckos! Ye can choose between partial and whole breast radiation, and rest assured, the results be just as good either way. Ain't that a jolly good thing?

So, me lads and lasses, fear not the thought of radiation, for it be an effective way to fight against the scurvy dog known as breast cancer. Whether ye go for the partial or the whole shebang, ye be takin' a step in the right direction. And remember, the pirates of the 17th century be always lookin' for a good laugh, so let's handle this matter with a touch of humor and a hearty "Yo ho ho!"

Now, raise yer grog-filled mugs and toast to the new guidelines, for they be showin' us that we have more choices in the battle against breast cancer. Let's give three cheers for science and the brave souls who be participatin' in those trials. Arrr, may the winds of good health be at our backs, me hearties!

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