The Booty Report

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Ye scallywags be needin' to return to direct supervision, unless ye be wantin' a taste o' the plank! Arrr!


Arrr mateys, ASTRO be harpin' on 'bout keepin' virtual supervision for radiation oncology, but some scallywags be sayin' nay! They be wantin' to be seein' those landlubbers in person. 'Tis a debate fit for the high seas! Aye, me hearties!

Arrr mateys, the ASTRO be squawking about keepin' virtual supervision of radiation oncology services around for good. They be thinkin' it be a fine idea, but some oncologists be raisin' their voices against it. They be wantin' to go back to in-person supervisin' only, ye see.
But I be wonderin', why be all the fuss? Virtual supervision be makin' things easier and more convenient for us scallywags. No need to be travelin' all the way to the oncology center when ye can do it from the comfort of yer own ship. Plus, it be helpin' to reach more patients who be livin' far away from the nearest oncologist.
So me hearties, let's not be too quick to dismiss virtual supervision. It be helpin' us navigate through these treacherous waters of the pandemic. Who knows, it might be the way of the future for oncology services. Arrr!

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