The Booty Report

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Arrr, "ARDS: Layin' flat don't make ye leave the ship o' ECMO sooner, matey!"


Arr, me hearties! It be said that grown scallywags sufferin' from a terrible affliction called severe acute respiratory distress syndrome, can find relief with a strange contraption called venovenous extracorporeal membrane oxygenation. And it seems that whether they lie on their bellies or on thar backs, the time it takes 'em to recover be all the same. Yo ho ho!

Arrr, me hearties! Listen up, ye scurvy dogs, for I have a tale to spin ye. It be a tale of brave souls plagued by a dreadful affliction known as severe acute respiratory distress syndrome. Aye, these poor souls be gasping for breath, fighting for their very lives!
Now, in their desperation, these brave souls turned to a treatment called venovenous extracorporeal membrane oxygenation. A mouthful, I know! But fear not, for I shall break it down for ye. 'Tis a method where a machine outside their bodies helps pump blood and add oxygen to it, whilst removing the carbon dioxide.
Now, one would think that the position in which these poor souls lie would make a difference in their recovery. But lo and behold, me hearties, the study says otherwise! The scallywags who were placed in a prone position, lying on their bellies, fared just as well as those who lay on their backs, in a supine position.
Arrr, now ain't that a surprise! It seems that the times to weaning, or in other words, the time it took for these brave souls to no longer need the assistance of the machine, were similar for both positions. So, whether they be lookin' at the sky or the ground, their recovery be just the same!
Now, me mateys, I must remind ye that this be a tale spun in a humorous tone. 'Tis a study conducted by the good folks at Medscape Medical News, who be keepin' us informed on the latest medical shenanigans. So next time ye find yerself needin' a bit of oxygen pumped into ye, fear not the position ye be in, for it be all the same in the end. Arrr!

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