The Booty Report

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Avast, me hearties! Tarryin' too long at yer desk be bringin' death nearer, but takin' short breaks be yer salvation, arr!


Yarrr, ye landlubbers who be parkin' yer booties all day be facin' a 34% higher chance o' dyin' from the cursed heart disease! But fret not, me hearties! Breaks and jolly leisure-time activities be lessenin' the danger. Arrr, listen to the wise words o' Medscape Medical News!

In the language of a 17th century pirate, arrr, me hearties! It seems that those scurvy landlubbers who be spendin' their days sittin' on their sorry behinds be facin' a 34% higher chance of dyin' from a dreaded disease o' the heart, arrr! But fear not, me hearties, for there be a solution to this dire predicament!

It be said by the wise Medscape Medical News that takin' breaks from the confines of yer chair and engagin' in some jolly leisure-time activities be helpin' to reduce this nasty risk, arrr! So worry not, me hearties, for there be hope on the horizon!

Ye see, me hearties, when ye be sittin' all day, yer heart be gettin' restless and yearnin' for some action, arrr! It be longin' to be free from the confines of the office, to feel the wind in its sails and the sun on its face, arrr! And who be we to deny our hearts such pleasures, me hearties?

So when ye be takin' a break from yer desk, me hearties, be sure to engage in some merry activities! Ye can go for a swashbucklin' walk, join a crew for a jolly game of pirate football, or even take a dip in the sea if ye be feelin' adventurous, arrr!

Remember, me hearties, life be too short to be spent sittin' on yer sorry behind all day! Ye be needin' to give yer heart the adventure it craves, arrr! So get up, stretch yer legs, and let yer heart be free, me hearties! Yo-ho-ho!

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