The Booty Report

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Arr matey! 'Tis a fine show o' skill in craftin' a Universal CVD Risk Prediction Model, ye be!


Yarr! Thar be a bunch o' fancy predictors, matey! They be lookin' at old-fashioned danger signs 'n' signs in the heart to tell ye if ye got a high chance o' gettin' some nasty cloggy blood vessel disease or not. Arr! Ye can find this news on Medscape Medical News, me hearties!

Arrr, me hearties! Gather 'round and listen up, for I have news that be tellin' of a study done by them landlubbers over at Medscape Medical News. They be speakin' of a set of predictors, ye see, that can be usin' to estimate the risk of atherosclerotic CVD, or what us pirates call heart disease.

Now, these predictors be includin' both the traditional risk factors that we all know, like smokin' or havin' high blood pressure, and the fancy new cardiac biomarkers. Aye, those biomarkers be like little clues that can be showin' if someone be at risk for heart disease. It be a bit like decipherin' a treasure map, if ye ask me!

The scallywags who did this study be testin' these predictors on patients, both ones who had atherosclerotic CVD and ones who did not. And what do ye think they found? They be findin' that these predictors be helpin' to estimate the risk in both groups. That be good news for all the landlubbers out there, for it means that we might be catchin' heart disease before it be strikin' us down!

Now, I be tellin' ye all this in the language of a 17th century pirate, but that don't mean we shouldn't be takin' this seriously. Heart disease be a dangerous foe, me hearties, and it be claimin' too many lives. So, if ye be havin' any of them traditional risk factors or if ye be feelin' a bit off in yer heart, it be wise to be seein' a doctor and gettin' yerself checked out.

And remember, me hearties, take care of yer hearts and keep 'em as strong as the mast of a ship! Arrr!

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