The Booty Report

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Yon panel be advisin' a wee raise in Medicare physician pay come 2025. Shiver me timbers, aye!


Arr, ye scurvy dogs of Congress be gettin' a fierce urging from the powerful Medicare Payment Advisory Commission to set up a safety-net add-on payment for them poor souls with meager purses. Avast, it be in the Medscape Medical News!

Yon panel be advisin' a wee raise in Medicare physician pay come 2025. Shiver me timbers, aye!

In a jolly twist of fate, the mighty Medicare Payment Advisory Commission, known as MPAC to us salty seafarers, has set its sights on the grand Congress to request a special addition to their payments. Arrr, they be wantin' a safety-net add-on payment for us lads and lasses with low incomes, aye!

Oh, how the winds of fortune blow in our favor, me hearties! This be a merry tale indeed. The Commission, like a wise old parrot perched on the shoulder of the Medicare ship, is advisin' the Congress to consider our plight. They be recommendin' a special payment to help us navigate the treacherous waters of healthcare costs.

Imagine, me mateys, the sun shining upon us and the wind fillin' our sails as we receive this safety-net treasure. 'Tis a boon for all those strugglin' souls who be havin' low incomes. It be like findin' a hidden treasure chest full of gold doubloons, or discoverin' a secret map to a hidden island - aye, a true bounty it would be!

But let's not be gettin' too carried away, me hearties. We still be needin' the Congress to set the wheels in motion, to grant us this special add-on payment. And if they do, it be a victory for all the swashbucklers out there sailin' through life with low income.

So, me lads and lasses, let us hope that Congress heeds the call of MPAC and shows us the way to a safer harbor. Let us raise our mugs of grog in celebration, for the winds of change may blow in our favor. Yo ho ho and a bottle of rum, we be sailin' towards a brighter future for all!

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