The Booty Report

News and Updates for Swashbucklers Everywhere

Arr matey! The European Medicines Agency be co-signin' the chikungunya vaccine, aye a jolly good sign for us scallywags!


Arrr mateys! Ixchiq be the first elixir to ward off the dreaded chikungunya, now sanctioned for use by the landlubbers of the European Union. Hoist yer flagons in celebration, for aye, we be protected from this foul disease!

Arrr mateys, listen up ye scallywags! The first vaccine to protect against the dreaded chikungunya has been set sail for the European Union countries. They be callin' it Ixchiq, a mighty potion to keep ye safe from that pesky disease.
Now, ye may be wonderin', what in the seven seas be chikungunya? Well, me hearties, it be a fierce virus spread by bloodthirsty mosquitoes that can make ye feel like ye've been run over by a ship. But fear not, for Ixchiq be here to save the day!
So listen up ye landlubbers, and spread the word to all yer shipmates. The European Union be recommendin' this new vaccine to keep ye all safe and sound. So next time ye be swattin' away them pesky mosquitoes, remember to thank yer lucky stars for Ixchiq!

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