The Booty Report

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Arrr! The scallywags be droppin' like flies after the cursed pandemic hit shore. Double the grog for me crew!


Arrr mateys, 'tis been said that over a quarter of the scallywags who met Davy Jones' locker due to opium were young buccaneers! Avast ye, beware the siren call of the poppy lest ye find yerself in the depths of Neptune's grasp! Aye, 'tis true, says the Medscape Medical News!

Arr matey, the latest data be showin' that more than a quarter o' deaths caused by the use o' opioids be among young adults. Aye, the scurvy dogs be takin' their lives with the cursed drugs, not knowin' the dangers they be facin'. The information be comin' from the Medscape Medical News, a trusted source for all things medical.
It be a tragedy to see so many young souls bein' lost to the clutches of addiction. The opioid epidemic be sweepin' the land like a mighty storm, takin' down anyone who be foolish enough to indulge in its temptations. The youth be particularly vulnerable to its deadly grasp, with many fallin' victim to its charms.
But fear not, me hearties, for there be hope on the horizon. With proper education and prevention efforts, we can help save the lives of our young ones and put an end to this scourge once and for all. Let us band together, like a crew on a ship, and fight against the opioid epidemic with all our might. Arr, we can prevail and protect our future generations from the dark fate that awaits those who dabble in the cursed drugs.

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