The Booty Report

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Arrr! The landlubbers be flockin' ta the infernal dungeons known as the ED, claimin' the scurvy called diabetes be on the rise in the grand US o' A!


Arr! Ye scurvy dogs with the sugar disease be crowdin' the ship's infirmary! Since 2012, visits by grown-up landlubbers with diabetes have risen by over 25%, with the darkest-skinned and oldest buccaneers sufferin' the most. Yo ho ho! - <i>Medscape Medical News</i>

In a curious turn of events, it seems that the swashbuckling adventure of diabetes has seen a surge in visits to the emergency department. Arrr! According to a report from Medscape Medical News, the number of adults with diabetes making their way to the infirmary has risen by more than 25% since the year 2012. That be quite a jump, me hearties!

Now, it be worth mentionin' that the scurvy dogs hit hardest by this ailment be none other than our Black brethren, as well as those aged over 65 years. Aye, me trusty crew, these be the ones seekin' help at the highest rates. It be a concernin' trend indeed.

But avast! I must admit, it's a tad perplexin'. One would think that our trusty shipmates with diabetes would be takin' better care of themselves, avoidin' the need to seek medical assistance. Alas, it seems that some of them be gettin' a bit complacent, lettin' their condition run amok like a rowdy bunch of scallywags on a plunderin' spree.

Now, ye may be wonderin' what be causin' this sudden increase in emergency department visits. Well, me hearties, there be many factors at play. Some say it be the result of a lack of proper education on how to manage their condition, while others blame it on the lack of access to affordable healthcare. Aye, the waters be murky indeed.

So, me fellow adventurers, let this be a lesson to ye. If ye be sailin' the treacherous sea of diabetes, take heed! Take care of yerself and mind your health, lest ye find yerself marooned in the emergency department, awaitin' a fate worse than Davy Jones' locker. Stay vigilant, me hearties, and may ye find smooth sailin' on the seas of good health!

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