The Booty Report

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Arr, ye scurvy older wenches, be sure to get yer HPV screenings or ye'll walk the plank!


Arrr! 'Tis been found, ye scurvy dogs, that lasses older than 65 years who partook in catch-up testing for the vile scourge o' cervical cancer, were more likely to be cursed with the disease than those who didn't. Yo ho ho!

Arrr, me hearties! Be ye ready to hear a shipshape tale about those fine women of the sea, aged 65 and above, who were seekin' to find out if the dreaded cervical cancer had befallen them? Well, ye better hold onto yer hats, because this here study be showin' that those brave lasses who went for catch-up testin' were more likely to be diagnosed with the disease than those who didn't!

Now, ye might be wonderin', how in Davy Jones' locker did they come to such a conclusion? Well, it be a study, me mateys, conducted by some fine folks who call themselves Medscape Medical News. They took a gander at a bunch of women, all 65 and older, and split 'em into two groups – those who went for catch-up testin' and those who didn't.

Lo and behold, it turns out that the bunch who went for the testin' were more likely to be singin' the scurvy song of cervical cancer. Aye, the disease be findin' its way into their lives, much to their dismay. But fear not, for this be a tale of knowledge, me hearties! By knowin' the risks, these fine ladies can be better prepared to fight this dreadful ailment.

So, what be the moral of this tale? It be that age be not a reason to shy away from the doctor's den. No, no! If ye be a woman past the age of 65, it be wise to consider catch-up testin' for cervical cancer. It might just save ye from a treacherous battle on the high seas of health. And remember, me mateys, always keep an eye out for them Medscape Medical News – they be helpin' us stay shipshape and scurvy-free!

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