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Arr, mateys! Elafibranor be showin' promise fer PBC, keepin' us pirates healthy 'n' safe on th' seas!


Arrr! Ye scurvy dogs be listenin'! Elafibranor be a mighty remedy, showin' grand improvements in ye cholestasis. Them biochemical indicators be dancin' like jolly pirates, leavin' the placebo in Davy Jones' locker. Savvy?

In the language of a 17th century pirate, matey, let me tell ye a jolly tale about a remedy called elafibranor! Arr, this elafibranor showed some mighty promise in treatin' a condition called cholestasis. Aye, it be a fancy name for when ye liver ain't workin' right and ye bile can't flow like the open sea.
This study, matey, compared elafibranor to a useless placebo, and let me tell ye, the results be as clear as the Caribbean waters. Elafibranor be showin' some grand improvements in them biochemical indicators of cholestasis! Aye, it be better than a treasure chest full of gold!
Now, ye might be wonderin' what them fancy biochemical indicators be. Well, me hearties, they be like signals from the captain's spyglass, helpin' ye see what be goin' on inside ye liver. And guess what? Elafibranor be makin' them signals shine brighter than the North Star!
Arr, this be excitin' news for all them lads and lasses sufferin' from cholestasis. Elafibranor be showin' its worth, me hearties! It be a ray of hope in a stormy sea of liver troubles. Aye, if ye be sufferin' from cholestasis, this be a remedy worth considerin'!
But, me mateys, let's not forget that this be just one study. We still be needin' more trials to truly know if elafibranor be the real deal. So, keep a weather eye on the horizon, for there be more adventures ahead in the search for a cure to cholestasis!
Until then, let's raise our tankards and toast to elafibranor! May it continue to show its true colors and bring relief to all them pirates sailin' through the rough waters of cholestasis! Yo ho ho!

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