The Booty Report

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Arr, Matey! Quizartinib be a treasure, be it SCT or no, 'tis boostin' AML survival, says I!


Pirate Version: "Arrr! By sailin' the seas of science, 'tis been discovered that addin' quizartinib to regular pirate brew be improvin' the chances of survival fer those with fresh cases o' devilish acute myeloid leukemia, regardless of whether they've had a stem cell transplant afore. Yo ho ho! <i>MDedge News</i>"

In the jargon of a 17th-century pirate, it seems that the addition of quizartinib to the usual induction chemotherapy does wonders for the survival of landlubbers with newly diagnosed acute myeloid leukemia, whether they've had a stem cell transplantation before or not. Arrr mateys, this be good news for all of us scallywags!

Now, let me translate this gibberish for ye all. It appears that by adding quizartinib to the regular treatment for acute myeloid leukemia, the chances of survival are significantly improved. It don't matter if ye had a stem cell transplant in the past or not, this little addition be doing the trick for everyone!

So, ye see, this be no ordinary news me hearties! This be a breakthrough that can save lives! It's like findin' a hidden treasure chest full of gold doubloons in the middle of the ocean. Yarrr! It's a game changer for all the brave souls fightin' this dreadful disease.

Imagine ye be a pirate sailin' the high seas, facin' storms and enemy ships left and right. Then suddenly, ye discover a secret weapon that gives ye an edge in battle. That's what quizartinib be, me buckos! It be like havin' cannons that shoot faster and hit harder than any other ship out there.

So, me hearties, let's raise our grog-filled tankards and cheer for this marvelous news! Let's toast to the brave souls who be fightin' this ruthless enemy. With quizartinib by their side, they be havin' a better chance of winnin' this deadly battle. Aye, that be worth celebratin'!

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